Why Ants Removal Is Important For Your House And Health

Ants are a hugely common annoyance. Apart from the problem of just finding trails of ants crawling on your floor and counters, you may have to deal with swarming ants biting, injuring or panic-inducing you as a result of their defence mechanisms if they feel threatened. Let’s find out about some dangers that ants pose to the house and health in general so that you can understand which risks ant bites pose to your family for future reference or safety.If you see any ants in your home, it’s essential to identify the species to determine if they’re harmless or dangerous. Contact a pest control professional for ants removal in Melbourne if you have any concerns.

Ants can be an expensive pest to your house

Ants are one of the most common household pests, but they can also be one of the most expensive. If not appropriately treated, ants can cause extensive damage to your home and belongings. They can also pose a severe health risk to you and your family.

Here are some dangers that ants pose to the house and health.

  1. Damage to Property: Ants can cause extensive damage to your home and belongings. They can chew through wood, insulation, pipes, wiring, and drywall in search of food or shelter.
  2. Health Risks: Ants can pose a severe health risk to you and your family. Some species of ants are known to carry diseases that can be transmitted to humans.
  3. Allergies: Some people may be allergic to ant bites or stings. An allergy to ants can lead to anaphylactic shock, a potentially life-threatening condition in severe cases.
  4. Fire Hazard: Ants have been known to build nests in electrical outlets and other areas where they can access live wires. This poses a fire hazard and a risk of electrocution for you or your family members.

Ants are also a problem for our health

There are a few different ways that ants can pose a threat to our health. One way is through their bites. Ants have sharp teeth that they use to cut through the skin. This can cause pain and irritation, especially if you’re allergic to ant venom.

Another way that ants can be dangerous is by contaminating food. For example, if an ant crawls on your food, it could leave behind bacteria or other contaminants that could make you sick.

So, it’s essential to be aware of the dangers that ants pose to your home and health. If you see any ants in your house, contact a pest control professional for ants removal in Melbourne immediately to get rid of them before they cause any problems.

While most ants are harmless, some species can threaten your home and health, and that is where ants removal services come to your rescue. These dangerous ants can bite or sting; their bites and stings can be painful and even cause allergic reactions. Some species of ants also transmit diseases like salmonella.

Why You Should Call For Possums Control Melbourne

Possums might not be hazardous animals. But controlling them can be a real nuisance. They are speedy, they love to make messes, and they are hard to find. Since you quickly can’t find them, many of us fail to recognise the possums’ infestation. But before they end up popping through the dog house to greet you, you must call for professional help for possums control Melbourne.

Why you should call possums control:

There are a few reasons why you should call for possum control. Learn them and take action before they become any bigger trouble.

Possums don’t go well with pets:

Possums are famous for stealing pet food. We understand that they also need food to survive. But expecting your pets to share their food happily might not work well with them. And fighting between two animals over food often leads to one or more getting hurt.

Possums control Brighton also becomes a deciding factor in keeping your pets safe from any animal fights. Thus you can protect both animals from getting hurt. Try to keep the food supply nominal. They will not invade your place until possums learn that it has abundant food.

Possums can infest and eat your garden:

Any kind of pest lives close to its food source. Possum does that too. But in the case of possums, their constant food supply is your favorite garden. They eat plants and vegetables. Since they play around the garden, it ruins the beauty of your well-maintained garden as well.

That’s why removing possums will save your plants and keep the look of the garden intact. Then the maintenance of your lawn will also be less fussy. And you can enjoy the scenic beauty of your beautiful garden as well.

Possums love to mess up your garbage:

We know that raccoons and dogs love messing out garbage cans. But many don’t realise that possums are also one of those culprits that are behind a dirty mess. Generally, they jump into a garbage can for searching food.

Having a possum infestation on your property every day, finding a messed garbage can. You will see food grains all over the place and a foul smell coming from here and there. But when you remove them from your property, you don’t have to deal with this rotten food waste every day.

Possums disturb the peace of your home:

We love wild animals. But we will not prefer them much invading our home if they are not our pets. There is nothing wrong with that. Animals like possums are cute as long as they are playing in trees. But when they enter a home, they can literally wreak havoc. Dealing with that nuisance is not very comfortable to sight to see.

What kinds of problems do we face when possums enter our house?

  • They leave significant droppings along their way inside the property.
  • If they feel threatened, they release a pungent odour from their anal gland.
  • Since they generally build nests in the attic, catching them becomes tough.
  • They also make your property a nursing ground for pregnant possums.

why Possums Control Important:

Although possums might not always carry rabies. But they often act as carriers for other diseases. If you don’t want to fall ill or make your pets upset and keep the lawn as beautiful and tidy as the morning sun, you should be careful against possums infestation on your property.

 Possums control Melbourne often call for legal compliance. That’s why you should leave the job in professional hands. Pest Free Nests efficiently manages and addresses issues and solves possum infestation problems. We are here to make your living peaceful and healthy with the correct measures and legal procedures. Talk to us for more information.

5 Effective Ways Of Bird Control Brighton

Many of us find it quite surprising that birds are getting counted under the pests section. However, most birds are very much harmless. However, certain species can be a nuisance as they invade and infest human residences. Thus you need to know a few ways of bird control Brighton. 


Birds and humans can co-exist by following just specific methods. Since we can’t ask birds not to damage our property, we must take thorough preventive measures to keep them at bay.

Here, we have informed our readers of some techniques to keep birds at bay.

What are the ways to prevent the pests bird from destroying your property:

If we are discussing preventive methods to keep pests birds away from our property, then you need to find a way so that they don’t even come to your place. The first step is defence your property from birds to protect it from damage.

Here are some ways to keep birds at bay. Note them down and use them in real life.

Bird netting

 Bird netting is using nets to prevent birds from invading your place. These nets are weatherproof, so they don’t get easily destroyed in the rain. The material used in these nets is also vital to carry the flock’s load. 

Where we can use bird netting:

Bird netting is most profitable to keep a specific property area away from birds. You can use a bird net in your backyard, rooftops, or lawn and protect individual plants. 

Benefits of using bird netting:

● 100% eco-friendly to keep birds away from your property.

● No bird is harmed. 

● The environment doesn’t get harmed in any out.

● Affordable too. 

● Effective in keeping birds away.

Bird control spikes:

Bird-controlling spikes, more commonly known as bird spikes, are one of the most effective methods of bird control Camberwell. Spikes are mounted on a solid base such as concrete walls or fences. These spikes are rod-like elements made out of stainless steel mainly.

Where we can use spikes:

We can use spikes on those places where birds generally sit and keep leaving their droppings. For example, roof apex, street lighting, pipes, building fences, etc., are some common favourite places for birds to hang out.

Benefits of using bird spiking: 

● Using spikes is easy. You don’t need any special skills.

● The spikes only prevent birds from roosting; it doesn’t actively harm birds.

● Maintaining bird spikes is very convenient. You can install the spikes and forget about it.

● It blends in so easily with the environment that spotting it is very difficult. Hence, it provides a great result.

Visual repellers: 

In visual repellers, we create illusions that exploit birds’ vision. You can use some reflections that scare birds away. Holographic tapes, lights, and predator animal figurines are some promising visual repellers. 

Where we can use visual repellers:

For bird control Glen Waverley, you can install some visual repellers on the balcony, rooftop gardens, private pools, etc.

Benefits of using visual repellers: 

● It doesn’t make any noise. Hence it becomes an environment-friendly device.

● It doesn’t harm birds or any other animal.

● Visual repellers are one of the most affordable bird prevention methods.

Sound repellers:

Use some devices to create audible or ultra-sonic sounds that scare the birds away from the property. This is how sound repellers work. It is very effective since birds can’t tolerate strong impacts coming from sudden noise. 

Where to use sound repellers: 

Generally, sound repellers are used in outdoor locations. Installing the devices on the rooftop, garden or backyard will be a great choice.

Benefits of using sound repellers:

● One device can cover a vast area. Hence it becomes an affordable choice of method to keep birds away.

● Installation doesn’t require any special skills.

● It also keeps other animals away too.


But let’s be serious, not every problem we can solve by putting spikes or nests. Some issues need human attendance. If you also think you must relocate some bird nests to prevent them from damaging your property, we ask you to connect with Pest Free NestsWe are a highly skilled and trained team who has experience in dealing with bird infestation in residential and commercial properties. If you are looking for some expert help for bird control in Brightoncontact us.

Why Should You Opt For Pest Control Before Summer Sets In

Spring is when many birds, insects and other animals are on the move, passing over garden paths, tree branches or even into our homes. Therefore, it’s a critical time of year to keep pest populations down to avoid infestation. Whether rodents make a comfortable space for themselves in your kitchen or cockroaches feed on food in your cabinets, they will be everywhere if you do not take precautions to prevent their entry.

Spring Is Here, And Summer Is Around The Corner 

As the weather gets warmer and the days get longer, many of us start looking forward to the arrival of spring. Unfortunately, this time of year also increases pests with increased risk. To help you prevent pests from taking over your home or business this spring, we’ve put together a list of tips coming straight from experts for rat removal in Melbourne.

  1. Inspect Your Property For Signs Of Pest Activity

Look for things like droppings, nesting materials, and damage to wood or other belongings such as paper, clothes, woollens, etc. If that is not possible, you can call in an expert for rat removal in Glen Waverley to help you all by yourself. Also, look for pest traces, such as musty scents from the kitchen cabinets or under the sink.

  1. Make Sure All Entry Points Are Sealed Up Tight

The entry points are the first places for them to come in, especially when it is wide open and inviting. This includes cracks in the foundation, gaps around doors and windows, chimneys, ventilators and openings where utilities enter your home or business. It would mean spending money, but it is worth it as the damage caused by pests would be severe.

  1. Keep Food Stored Properly And Keep Your Kitchen Clean

Wipe up spills immediately, don’t leave food out; store food in containers with tight-fitting lids. At the end of each cooking session, ensure that the countertops and the cooktops are cleaned well and that there are no crumbs or spills. Also, remember to keep your sink clean and free from soiled dishes. Any traces of food can attract pests and allow them to find a permanent place.

  1. Regularly Clean Garbage Cans And Storage Areas

Pests are attracted to food waste, so keeping these areas clean will help deter them from the residence in your home or business. Keep the garbage cans closed well with good quality lids. Try and store them outdoors and ensure the garbage removals are taken care of frequently. Professionals for rat removal in Melbourne suggest that once the cans are empty, clean them well and line them with disposable garbage bags to prevent any spillage to the cans.

What are the risks of pests at this time of year?

The warmer weather during spring brings more insects and rodents out of hiding, which can become a nuisance for homeowners. These pests can not only be a nuisance but also pose a risk to your health and the structure of your home. According to professionals for mice removal in Melbourne, the most common pests you may encounter this time of year include ants, bees, cockroaches, flies, mosquitoes, rats, and spiders.

Each of these pests comes with its own set of risks. For example, ants can bite and sting, bees can cause allergic reactions, cockroaches can spread disease, flies can contaminate food, mosquitoes can transmit viruses, rats can carry diseases like the bubonic plague, and spiders can bite. Some of these risks may seem minor, but they can still threaten your health and well-being.

That’s why taking some precautions to prevent pests from taking over your home this spring is essential. Ask a professional to come over and assist with pest control, and rest assured that your house is safe for the coming season.

5 Hacks to Prevent Pests From Settling Inside Your Office

The basic problem in any office – is hungry pests! You may not see them scurrying around while you are at your desk, but they may be coming over when nobody is there. A nibble on the corner of a file is enough to let you know of their presence. But even the most harmless of creatures can be a nuisance. Whether it is cockroaches, rats, or mice, experts for mice removal in Melbourne make sure our office is protected against unwanted visitors.

 Check out these 6 easy ways to keep outside from intruding on your office space.

  1. Cleanliness

Pests are attracted to dirty environments. Please keep it clean to prevent them from taking up residence in your office! Regularly sweep and mop floors, vacuum carpets, and wipe down surfaces. Don’t forget to empty the trash daily and keep food stored in air-tight containers. Give clear instructions to the janitors and employees to care for their office and belongings.

  1. Use Pest-Resistant Materials

When building or renovating your office, use pest-resistant materials such as stainless steel or aluminum for window and door frames, and seal any cracks or openings in the walls. Store food items in air-tight glass or metal jars. Store stationery and files in well-sealed cupboards with no space for pests to enter.

  1. Keep The Outdoors Clean 

Pests can often enter buildings through doors or windows, so keep the area around your office clean and free of debris. Regularly trim trees and shrubs that may be providing shelter for pests, and repair any broken screens or windows. Experts for mice removal in Melbourne agree that cleaning the gutter every month prevents pests from sheltering and entering the office. Ensure that there is no leaf litter anywhere, which again is an excellent breeding ground for pests.

  1. Bait Them Away with Good Food

Everyone knows that the way to a person’s heart is through their stomach. The same can be said for pests. If you want to keep pests out of your office, one of the best things you can do is bait them away with good food. There are a some different ways you can do this:

  • One way is to set out traps with food in them. This way, when the pest goes into the trap to get the food, they’ll be caught, and you can remove them from your office.
  • Another way is to put out bait stations around your office. For example, experts use these devices for mice removal in Brighton that contains a bait that will attract pests. Once the problem is drawn, they’ll be trapped inside the station and unable to get out.
  • You can also use pesticides that contain food as bait. This is a huge extreme measure, but it can be effective in getting rid of pests. Be careful to use caution when using pesticides and follow all directions.
  1. Keep Your Trash Area Clean and Neat

If you have a designated area for trash and recycling, keep it clean and free of any food or organic waste. Even a small spill can attract pests, so be vigilant about wiping up any messes and keeping the area clean. It would be best if you also lined trash cans with bags that seal tight to help prevent critters from getting in.

While these are tips from professionals for pest control in Camberwell that can prevent pests from entering your office space, everyone needs to be vigilant and contribute equally towards making the office pest-free.

4 Effective Tips To Keep Your Restaurant Pest Free This Season

Restaurants can sometimes be inundated with pests from various sources, including vermin and unreliable food suppliers. In some instances, restaurants are hit by a pest that quickly spreads and is difficult to trap. At some stage, no matter how amazing the hygiene standards a restaurant may operate under, you can’t help but get pests. Whether this is rats, cockroaches or mice, disgusting and illegal to have around your food but not always that easy to spot. 

With these tips coming straight from the experts for rodent control in Camberwell, you could save yourself and your customers from an itchy evening of stomach problems!


4 Effective Tips You Should Follow to Keep Your Restaurant Pest Free in Camberwell.


Tip One: Keep Countertops Clean.

The first step to keeping restaurants pest free is to keep counters clean. This means wiping them down after each use and sanitising them regularly. Food and crumbs can attract pests, so keeping counters clean and debris-free is essential. In addition, make sure to sweep or vacuum floors regularly to keep them free of food and crumbs. The Accidental spilling of liquids or even gravy should be cleaned up soon. Leaving it to dry will attract pests. 


Tip Two: Check Sinks for Fly Larvae.

Check Before you close up shop for the night, checks all of your sinks for fly larvae. Fly larvae, or maggots, are the immature form of flies and are often found near food sources. If you see any fly larvae in your sink, dispose of them immediately. Experts who control rodents in Camberwell agree that washing multiple dishes daily results in food residue that collects near the drain. That is where you are likely to find larvae that often hatch overnight. 


Tip Three: Keep Cold Storage Areas Cold.

According to experts for rodent pest control in Camberwell, when it comes to keeping pests out of restaurants, one of the most important things to do is stay cold in storage areas cold. Pests are attracted to warm environments, so keeping your coolers and freezers at a constant temperature can deter them from the residence in your restaurant. 

Here are a few ways to keep your cold storage areas pest-free:

1. Regularly check temperatures with a thermometer to ensure that they remain at a safe level for food storage.

2. Inspect seals on doors and windows regularly to ensure they are tight-fitting and not inviting pests inside.

3. Store food in airtight containers whenever possible to further discourage pests from getting to it.

4. Keep the area clean and free of debris where pests can hide or build nests.

5. Consider using pest control products specifically designed for cold storage areas, such as baits and traps.


Tip Four: Use Traps.

Trapping can be an effective way to get rid of pests, and they can also help to prevent new problems from coming into the restaurant. There are various types of traps that can be used, and it is important to choose the right type of trap for the specific pest you are trying to get rid of. If you are confused about which type of trap to use, you can ask a professional for rodent control in Camberwell for help.   


All of these are tips that come straight from the experts for pest control, and they ensure that you can get rid of pests from your restaurants if you follow these tips effectively. 

5 Effective Ways For Cockroach Control Melbourne

Don’t get shocked. But cockroaches are the most common pest in an Australian household. Thus it is very important to know tips and tricks for cockroach control Melbourne. 

If you experience roaches infestation in your household, you can use these methods to keep their infestation in check. Hence, your home will be fresh, healthy and hygienic.


5 Methods to keep cockroaches in check:

We have mentioned these tried and tested methods that have provided promising results in removing cockroaches from properties. Follow the below techniques dedicatedly for a cockroach-free home. 


Keep the kitchen clean and tidy:

The world survives on food. Pests come to any place in search of food. If you have an open kitchen with food items scattered in place, it will be heaven for cockroaches. 


Then you might wonder how they are even coming to a clean kitchen. They keep coming to your place because they are still getting some food at your place. Hence, it is time to clean your kitchen place deeply and thoroughly. 


Clean the stains and grease thoroughly, as it also can be a source of their food. Keep the food left over in air-tight jars so that cockroaches can’t get access there. Also, keep the pet food bowls clean. It is one of the most accessible sources of food for pests. If you keep your house clean and tidy, you also can keep cockroach control, Glen Waverley.


Prevent water leakage around the house:

Water is another important factor that calls pest infestation. You will always find some cockroaches around the open water sources at any property. Thus, it is now time to check if there is any water leakage or open water source hidden from views. 

For cockroach control Camberwellchecking and patching up all the open water sources works very effectively. When cockroaches do not find any water to survive, they will slowly vacate the place. 


Although cockroaches can live up to 2 weeks without water, if you don’t provide them with any moist ground, they will surely not live in that place. For large leakages, call some plumbers to fix the problem.


Clean the scraps and wastage:

Any pest comes to our homes in search of food, shelter and moisture. They will most likely stop invading your place if you stop providing them with one of these three facilities. After you keep your kitchen clean and tidy, they will not find any food source in your home.


Now is the time to not provide any shelter that they can use as their homes. Pests always prefer messy and untidy places. If you keep waste and junk stored at your property, you call for roaches infestation. 

Cleaning your place free from stored cardboard boxes and other storage boxes is the easiest way not to provide a home to cockroaches. We advise you to remove any unused packages or unwanted waste to remove from your property at the earliest. 



Seal any cracks and holes:

If cockroaches are coming and infesting your place, there must be a way they are using to infiltrate your home. In most cases, they come through cracks in the wall. Especially if you are living in an old house, then you are most likely to find pest infestation in the old and broken walls.


Inspect your home and find out if there is any broken seal or cracked walls are there in your property. If yes, then for effectively repairing service and sealing those cracks and holes. Don’t leave any large gaps that roaches might use to their advantage. 


Use home remedies: 

There are lots of home remedies that can prevent cockroaches from coming and infesting your home. These home remedies are safe to use and don’t harm or intoxicate the inside air in our home. 


Using baking soda and sugar mixture at a 1:1 ratio can kill the cockroaches. Make a paste of these ingredients and keep it near the cockroaches’ homes. Roaches will come and eat this sweet mixture. 


Borax and sugar mixture also performs the same. To make this mixture, use borax to sugar at a 3:1 ratio. It is a more effective method than baking soda and sugar mixture. 


If you notice cockroach infestation, call for professional help. Pest Free Nests is one of the most trustworthy names in cockroach control Melbourne. We offer services in residential and commercial properties at a very affordable rate. Contact our executive team to know our services in more detail. 

5 Ways to Prevent a Wasp Attack and Its Presence in Your House

Unlike termites or rodents, wasps are flying insects that can come around anytime and has nothing to do with making a nest and living in your premise. Either they are right there in your backyard, and you seem to be a threat to them, or you are simply unlucky to be stung by a wasp while relaxing on your deck.

Whatever the reason it may be, a wasp sting leaves behind a nasty-looking swell which often needs medical aid. Therefore, when you spot a wasp, here are a few tips from the experts of wasps control in Melbourne to help you stay calm and get rid of it without harm.

Avoid Killing It

It is the first instinct that comes to everyone where killing it seems to be the best option with a swatter. Well, killing it won’t make it sting you, but it will invite many other wasps to come and attack you. When you kill a wasp, it releases a chemical that attracts the rest of its gang members to come and attack you. Therefore, avoid killing it and open the door and windows for it to go out.

Avoid Being Hyperactive

It is natural that you will react to wasps buzzing around your ear. Whether you are indoors or outdoors, whenever you hear a wasp buzzing, stay calm. Avoid hand and body movement and freaking out. Experts for wasps control in Melbourne agree that while you remain still or dodge their presence, they will not fear an attack. They may move around and go back to where they came from. Just stay calm, and all will be fine.

Keep An Eye On Its Movement

If you are indoors and a wasp has sneaked in, keep an eye on its movement. Look out for where it goes. Let everyone at home be aware that there is a wasp lurking around. Call up the experts for pest control in Camberwell and try and open the doors and windows for them and that will make the wasp go away naturally without any intervention.

Take Out the Pets from the Room

A flying insect is always the object of the game for pets. They believe it to be a toy and often end up being sung. Therefore, when indoors and you see a wasp or two flying about, take away the pets. You do not want to rush them to the hospital to get treatment done. Instead, keep them in a room that is safe, and that will ensure that your pets are in safe hands.

Look Out For Their Nest

A single was, or two may accidentally come in, but when you see swarms of it in your backyard, know that there is a nest somewhere close. Look for the crack and crevices in the storeroom and check if there are any nests around.

When you spot it, do not forget to call the pest control services for wasps control in Brighton to assist you with getting rid of the wasps.

4 Quick Tips To Help You Handle Pests This Summer

Whether you’re a homeowner wishing to protect your most loved asset or a tenant, you will, at some point this summer, be in an awkward standoff with an unwelcome guest – PESTS! They are the ones who live rent-free in your house and never want to leave, no matter what you do. Although it’s often the experts for rodent control in Brighton that come over to get rid of them, they somehow come back feeling the love for you.

While pests are a nuisance damaging your belongings, they tend to spread diseases too. Food contamination, pest dropping, furniture damage, etc., are the significant signs of them being around.

We bring you a few tips to help you control their presence this summer

Invest In A Pest Control Service

If you want to avoid the hassle and expense of dealing with pests, the best solution is to invest in a professional pest control service. Pest control companies have the experience and expertise to quickly and effectively eliminate any pest problem, no matter how big or small.

Many types of pest control services are available, so be sure to choose one that best suits your needs. For example, if you live in an area prone to rodents, you may want to consider a service for rodent control in Melbourne. Or if you have a specific type of pests in mind, such as spiders or termites, some companies specialise in those types of pests as well.

Check For Extermination In Your Area

If you want to make sure that your home is free of pests, it’s essential to check for extermination in your area. There are a few things you can do to help with this:

  • Talk to your neighbours and see if they have any recommendations for pest control companies.
  • Check online reviews of local pest control companies.
  • Contact a company and ask about their services and what they recommend for your specific situation.

Entry To Your Home

There are a few things you can do to prevent pests from entering your home in the first place. Start by thoroughly inspecting your home’s exterior, looking for any cracks or holes that might serve as an entry point. If you find any, seal them with caulk or another suitable material.

Next, take a look at your screens. Please make sure they are in good condition and that there are no gaps around the edges. If you have any open food in your kitchen, keep it in airtight containers. And finally, make sure to keep your trash cans clean and tightly sealed.

Get Rid Of Unwanted Guests With Natural Repellents

If you’re looking for a way to eliminate unwanted guests without harsh chemicals, consider using natural repellents. Experts for rodent control in Melbourne agree that many plants can help keep pests away, including citronella, lavender, and eucalyptus. You can also try making your repellent by mixing essential oils with water in a spray bottle. Just test it on a small area first to ensure it won’t damage your furniture or clothing.

While summers are a time to relax and have fun, having pests come over doesn’t make things better. But, when you adopt these tips, things can get a lot better, and you can live a pest-free life.

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