Effective Possums Control Methods to Prevent Summer Troubles

With the summer season just around the corner, homeowners in Australia often find themselves dealing with unwanted visitors, particularly possums. These nocturnal native animals can cause significant troubles, from damaging gardens to disrupting peaceful nights with their noisy activities. In this blog, we will explore effective possum control methods and prevent the hassle they can bring during the summertime.

Measures for Possums Control

During Summer, many homeowners in Australia often find themselves facing possum-related troubles. Possums, cute as they may seem, can wreak havoc on gardens, roofs, and even inside the house if left unchecked. To help you maintain a possum-free environment and protect both your property and these furry creatures, we have compiled a list of effective Possums Control methods. So, let’s dive in and explore ways to prevent possum troubles this summer season.

  • Learn about Possum Behavior: Before implementing any control measures, it’s essential to understand possum behaviour. Possums are arboreal creatures that seek shelter in tree hollows, but as urbanisation increases, they often find their way into our homes. They are primarily herbivores with a taste for leaves, fruits, and flowers. Knowing their habits will help guide efforts in control and prevention.
  • Identify entry Points: Possums enter homes through damaged roof areas, gaps in the eaves, or broken windows. Inspect your property for potential access points and seal them off. Use durable materials such as wire mesh or steel to block any openings. Regularly check and maintain the integrity of your property’s exterior to prevent possums from finding their way inside. Some of the ways for Possum Removal are as follows:
    • Seal entry Points: Conduct a thorough inspection of your property, paying attention to gaps, cracks, and openings that possums could access. Block these entry points with durable materials such as metal mesh or solid wood.
    • Reinforce Roof Cavity: Possums often seek shelter in roof cavities. Ensure these spaces are properly secured using strong, critter-proof materials to prevent any access.
    • Trim Trees and Vegetation: Trim branches that connect to your roof or act as bridges to nearby trees. This will discourage possums from venturing onto your property.
  • Create a Possum-Proof Garden: To deter possums from entering your property, start by making your garden less appealing to them. Remove any branches that could act as bridges to your roof or windows. Trim overhanging tree limbs and shrubs to eliminate direct access. Install metal guards around tree trunks to prevent possums from climbing. Additionally, certain plants like eucalyptus, wattle, and grevillea are more likely to attract possums, so avoid planting them near your home. Possums are often drawn to gardens due to the abundance of food and water sources. Implementing the following possum removal measures can help minimise their attraction:
    • Secure Rubbish Bins: ensure bins are tightly closed with an airtight lid. This will prevent possums from accessing potential food sources.
    • Remove Fallen Fruits and Berries: Regularly pick up fallen fruits, berries, and seeds from your garden, as these act as magnets for possums.
    • Use Repellent Plants: Planting species that possums dislike, such as eucalyptus, lemon-scented gum, or rosemary, can help deter them from your garden.
  • Use Natural Possum Deterrents: There are several natural deterrents that can be employed to keep possums at bay. Scent-based repellents such as citronella, eucalyptus oil, or garlic can be sprayed in areas prone to possum activity. Possums have a keen sense of smell and are likely to avoid these strong odours. Additionally, hanging CDs or wind chimes around your garden can create noise and motion, deterring possums from exploring the area. Some of the most common deterrents for possum control services are as follows:
    • Strong odours: Possums have a strong sense of smell, which can be utilised as a deterrent. Sprinkle ammonia or white vinegar around potential entry points, as these scents are known to repel possums.
    • Bright Lights: Installing motion-activated, bright lights in strategic locations can frighten possums and discourage them from exploring your prope
    • Ultrasonic Devices: Consider using ultrasonic devices that emit high-frequency sounds only possums can hear. This can effectively deter them while not disturbing humans or pets.
  • Install Possum Boxes: If you have a suitable tree, consider installing a possum box as an alternative shelter. Possum boxes resemble natural tree hollows and provide a safe space for the animals. By providing an appealing alternative, possums may be less inclined to invade your home. Ensure the box is securely installed, following guidelines provided by local wildlife authorities.
  • Seek Professional Assistance: If possum troubles persist, it is advisable to seek help from professionals.  Licensed wildlife controllers are trained to handle possums in a humane manner. They can assess your property, identify the source of the problem, and implement appropriate possum removal services. Remember, possums are protected animals in Australia, so relocation should be conducted ethically and in accordance with local laws.

As we approach the summer season, taking preemptive measures for possum control and preventing troubles becomes crucial. Understanding possum behaviour, securing entry points, creating a possum-proof garden, and utilising natural deterrents are effective strategies homeowners can implement. However, if problems persist, it is vital to seek professional assistance from Pest Free Nests to guarantee the well-being of both your property and these protected native animals. By following these tips, you can ensure a peaceful and possum-free summer season.

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