Learn The Difference Between Bees, Wasps and Hornets

If you are finding it difficult to distinguish between bees, wasps, and hornets, you can contact professionals to learn more about these biting creatures. You may not know about these creatures at all. Whether you are looking for wasps, hornets, or bees control in Pakenham, you may be required to understand their lifestyle adequately. The behavioural and physical attributes of these insects can help differentiate them from others.

Winged insects are quite prevalent in Australia. So, you need to understand their behaviours and know their features to identify them and take measures accordingly. By getting rid of these insects from your home and the surrounding areas, you can protect yourself and your loved ones. So, here is the guide on wasps vs bees vs hornets.

What are Bees?

As the bees are part of the Apoidea family, bees fly around the area to collect pollen and nectar. Bees play an important role in the pollination process, making an effect on the ecosystem. From the bees, you can get honey, oil, and other raw materials.

How Many Species of Bees are Present?

In Australia, you can locate more than 2000 species of bees. It is possible to locate black carpenter bees that are about 24mm in length. However, there are also small bees, such as Quasihesma bees, which are 2mm in length. Plus there are also bumble bees and honey bees.

How to Control Bees?

By taking professional assistance, bees control in Pakenham is possible. First, it may be essential to analyse the location properly.  Professionals can implement diverse types of strategies to remove the bees from the premises completely. If you want, you can also choose a non-toxic deterrent to remove the bees from the location.

What are Wasps?

Wasp comes from the order Hymenoptera and sub-order Apocrita. Similar to the bees, wasps also provide ecological services. Wasps are pollinators and predators. So they can safeguard your garden and farmland from different types of pests. The ecosystem becomes thriving and diverse thanks to the presence of wasps.

What are the Types of Wasps Present?

There are a thousand types of wasps present in Australia. For example, European wasps usually roam around the Barbeque area and can create huge colonies. These wasps are quite aggressive. Therefore, you may like to take action as soon as possible. There are also Asian Paper Wasps that may be less aggressive than the previous option. However, it has the ability to disrupt the local ecological balance. Some of the native wasps are sand wasps, flower wasps, and spider wasps.

What are Hornets?

Hornets can be considered as a specific type of wasps. Staying in the surroundings, hornets control spiders and other types of pests. However, they can help with the process of pollination at the same time.

What are the Types of Hornets Present?

Some of the most common hornets in Australia are Australian hornets, Asian hornets, and European hornets.

Difference In Terms of Look Between Bees, Wasps, and Hornets

Based on the physical appearance, you can find bees, wasps, and hornets.


Hair present in the body of the bees helps with the pollination process and temperature regulation. Looking at the size, you may find it to be large and round. Based on the different types of bees, you may be able to find some variation.

If you are allergic to the bee sting, you can call professionals for bees control in Brighton.


Pointed lower abdomen area and also narrow waist in wasps make them different from the bees. Plus, they are usually hairless and smooth. Their legs may be hanging around when they fly around.


Just like the wasps, hornets have a slim body in comparison to the bees. Hornets usually come with either black & white or black & yellow combination. Due to the yellow colour, you may perceive it to be a bee from afar. However, bees are rather golden than yellow.

Pest Free Nests have a team of professionals that can help with the wasp and bees control in Pakenham.

Pakenham Bees Control: Pest Free And Safe Environment

Bees are very important to our environment, providing essential services in pollination and plant reproduction. However, when the same bees invade your residential or commercial property, it may be a serious risk. Besides causing irritation through their stings and ensuing allergic reactions, an unchecked infestation of bees can also cause destruction to your properties and lead to huge disruptions. This is why effective Bees Control Pakenham is of utmost importance to ensure the safety of your environment.

Why Bees Become A Problem

Bees are part of the ecosystem but become problematic when they start nesting near habitation. That is because bees usually nest in areas which tend to be undisturbed and secluded such as attics, walls, or trees around any given area. They become quite aggressive once their colony is established if someone tries to disturb them; it also poses a danger to people, especially their pets.

Large populations of these bees can also change regional biodiversity and crowd out native insects, thereby reducing the availability of pollen for other species. Large colonies of honey and wax production can also cause damage to the walls of your property and attract other nuisance pest species, such as ants and rodents. The bees control Pakenham goes beyond eradicating the immediate threat by protecting against long-term damage.

Risks from DIY Bee Removal

For ease and to save money, some homeowners might look to treat a bee issue themselves. However, DIY removal of bees is potentially hazardous for several reasons. Without proper tools and knowledge, the agitation of a bee colony may provoke the insects, which is agonizing and could be fatal in the worst case.

Also, when you illegally remove a bee hive, the root cause of the problem is not solved. If a portion of the hive is left, bees can easily come back and reproduce again. Further, if the removal was done by an untrained person, he/she may use harmful chemicals that are damaging to human beings, pets, and even the environment.

Professional bee removal services know how to handle an invasion by the bees with a safe and efficient manner. Professionals are trained to remove bees without harming the colony, whenever possible. Often the bees can be relocated to a more suitable place, ensuring help for one of our most important pollinators while keeping your property safe.

Why Hire Professional Bees Control Services

Whether your are looking for Bees Control in Cranbourne or Bees Control in Brighton, the fast and efficient professional bee control services are available to deal with the infestation in both areas. Every region has its kind of problems, starting from the type of bees to the exact places and spots. Local bee control experts know the difference and adjust their services as such.

For example, in Cranbourne, the swarm may probably concentrate to rural or semi-urban region, because beehives tend to nest in gardens or outbuildings. In Brighton, it could be the fact that bees tend to build hives in urban environments that have a dense population. In Pakenham, the infestation may be both residential and around commercial regions.

A professional pest controller should also be able to identify which bee type is causing the problem and to take the most appropriate action. The actions taken may include moving the hives, planning for preventive measures against future infestations, or rarely, extermination-if there is no probable option for relocation.

Prevention of Future Infestation

And once the bee colony has been eliminated, it’s not enough to ensure that the infestation will not occur again. This will involve sealing all cracks and crevices where bees could penetrate and checking attics or walls periodically for signs of activity. And again, it involves having well-maintained gardens.

If you have flowering plants or trees, then move them farther away from the home or building so that bees are not attracted to the location. You can work with pest control professionals to develop a long-term plan of prevention customized to your needs.

For instance, control of bee infestations would require a balance on the need to protect your property and others, however, it should also ensure the safety of these vital pollinators. While residing in Cranbourne, Brighton, or Pakenham, professional bee control services can help deal with issues based on experience and resources.

If you happen to have a bee problem, then don’t hesitate to reach out to the local professionals who will eliminate the threat and prevent further damage. If you’re looking for a company you can rely on, Pest Free Nests offers comprehensive control services from bees to ensure your property remains safe and pest-free while keeping the good health of our pollinating friends.

Effective Strategies For Carpenter Bees Control

Bees contribute to the ecosystem by taking part in the pollination process. Bees and human beings can co-exist. However, seeing the bees in your home garden can sometimes be annoying. Diverse types of bees are recognised by their different behaviour and nesting choices. For bees control in Bentleigh, you need to understand these differences.

Our pest controller team has years of experience in successfully removing bees from the premises. Different types of bees require diverse solutions. In this blog, we are going to discuss removal strategies for carpenter bees.

How To Recognise Carpenter Bees?

Carpenter bees is black and yellow in colour which looks beautiful. Same time, it is capable of creating a lot of nuisances. They may not sting you aggressively. However, carpenter bees can damage the property by drilling hole in the wooden structures. It can become a nightmare for you.

Unlike other bee species., carpenter bees like to stay alone. Still, their nestling habits can cause damage to your property over time. Therefore, bees control in Glen Waverley becomes necessary for maintaining the quality of the woodwork. A bee-free environment can make your life stress-free. If there is a carpenter bee infestation in the home, you need to utilise quality bee removal methods to reclaim the home to its original state.

How Carpenter Bees Behave?

Carpet bees like to live alone unlike honeybees that stay within large colonies. Female carpenter bees create tunnels inside the tunnel for laying eggs. From the outside, these tunnels may not seem harmful at all. However, these bees infestations in the wood can damage the structural integrity.

Tips To Prevent Carpenter Bees

Professionals can give you some tips on how to keep the carpenter’s bees away from the property. Here are some effective ways of bees control in Brighton.

Paint Exposed Wood: Carpenter bees like to stay in untreated wood. Therefore, staining or painting the wood can stop them from creating nest within the woods.

Choose Hardwood for Woodwork: Hardwood is complex and dense. When you choose ash, cherry, and oak for the wood, it becomes difficult for the carpenter bees to live in them.

Utilise Vinyl Siding: Vinyl is not great for the carpenter bees infestation. Plus, it gives protection to the softwood with its covering.

Cover Holes and Cracks: Carpenter bees search for cracks and holes for building nests. If you seal them, the carpenter bees may find their homes elsewhere.

When You Should Call Professionals for Bees Control

Finding one or two carpenter bees on the property may not be a matter of concern. However, it can be troublesome if one of the family members is allergic to the bee stings. Carpenter bees usually do not bother anyone. Female bees sting when they feel threatened. So, you can seek professional assistance for bees control in Bentleigh. Pest controllers often use insecticides to control stubborn bee infestations. If you want to take an eco-friendly route, it is also possible.

At PestFree Nests, we inspect the location and offer the best possible option for pest control.

Bees Control Brighton; Get Rid Of Bees without Killing Them

5 Best Ways To Get Rid Of Bees Without Killing Them

Too many bees all of a sudden around you or the property is naturally disturbing. If you have been noticing the same for a few days, there is a possibility that you have a bee infestation around your home. The honey bee population is at its peak, and they may find your property an excellent place to shelter. Although there are many ways to eliminate bees from your property that we shall discuss further, it is always best to hire professional bees control in Brighton.

Are Bees Useful?

Bees are immensely important insects, especially in agriculture. They help in pollination and also assist in abundant food production. People working in the field depend on beehives and even rent to initiate pollination of crops.People who encourage plantations find bee infestation highly beneficial.

Why Should We Remove The Bees?

Although bees are useful to some, they can be harmful to many. Especially if you have kids at home, they can feel curious aboullt the beehives, which have large quantities of bees, and may end up in a disaster. However, killing the bees is not an option because without bees, the world would be left without the production of honey. Bees removal is made easy by the experts of the bees control in Bentleigh. When you hire their service, they come equipped and offer safe and successful removal of bees.

How Can I Eliminate Bees Without Killing Them?

Here is a quick list of 5 natural ways to eliminate bees from your place :

1. Garlic Spray

Garlic is the one item that has an intense smell and is equally effective in keeping the bees out. Simply make a garlic spray by crushing a couple of gloves of garlic and adding it to water. Spray the solution around the house and other places where you can notice the hive and allow them to move out.

2. Cintronella

Citronella candles are also a great way to move away mosquitos and bees. These are effective in eliminating these insects without harming them. However, it take a few days of continuous burning of candle to get the best result. So, if you want an immediate solution, it is best to reach out to the professional bees control in Glen Waverley. Also, if it’s raining outside, the bees will not try flying out.

3. Smoke

Smoke is a highly effective way to keep the bees away from your abode as well as the entire property. Most animals and insects, including bees, are sensitive to smoke. When the honey bees smell smoke, they consider it a forest fire. As a result, they leave the place permanently. It is, however, recommended not to be present to experience the view of bees getting out due to smoke as the bees might be aggressive at this time, and situations may be vulnerable for humans and is best if controlled by the experts of bees control in Bentleigh.

4. Cinnamon

Cinnamon also act as a strong repellent for honeybees. Regularly spread the cinnamon over the areas that have a strong presence of bees. Cinnamon will help to remove the bees from your house but they will be still present in your ward. So, in case you want a complete removal, contact the experts of bees control in Brighton.

5. Peppermint

Using peppermint is another great way to put the honey bees away. You can simply place peppermint plants in those areas where you do not want their presence. Peppermint is helpful in driving the bees away, but you can also get peppermint whenever you need them for consumption. If nothing seems to work, simply contact professional bees control in Glen Waverley.

End Note

For better bee control and peace of mind, contact Pest Free Nests. Our experienced team offer safe and effective bee control measures that not only remove the bees away but also prevent future infestation.
Call us to get a free consultation of our reliable bees control in Brighton right now!

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