Reasons For Ants Control In Melbourne After Rains

Have you noticed that ant problems increase after the rain? During the rainy season, it is possible to encounter more ant activity, which can lead to infestation around your home soon. Let’s know the reason behind increase in the ant infestation and how ants control in Melbourne is possible.

Can Rain Kills Ants?

Most ants can adapt to the wet conditions. Mere rain cannot kill them. In a direct way, you cannot kill the ant using rainwater. Most species of ants prefer to stay inside moist soils with damp environments.

When the ants submerge into the water, they usually survive by using the air bubbles to support them with the help of their body. Diverse species of water can survive underwater for up to 24 hours, so they may be able to stay alive in the water. However, it does not mean that they do not suffer due to the water. Torrential downpours can have a huge impact on the ants’ home and their forage.

Why Rain Makes The Ant Issue Worse?

For several reasons, ant problems seem to enhance after a rainy period. Let’s discuss the matter in detail now.

Force Relocation: Heavy rain floods the ant colonies, forcing the insects to move to drier locations. Therefore, ants may look for new shelter after rain within your home or any other structures nearby.

Enhanced Foraging: Due to extensive rain, food sources of the ant may wash away forcing them to search food more actively for sustenance. It is the reason why the ants come in direct contact of your home.

Moisture Attraction: Both damp conditions and moisture influence the ants to post rain and attract them towards the home. If there is standing water or moisture in your home, ants can make it their permanent home.

Therefore, you may require a professional service of ant controls in Clayton after an extensive period of rains. Understanding the factors that contribute to these issues may help you take better measures. On this occasion, professional pest controllers may also recommend some preventive strategies.

How To Prevent Ant Infestations Post Rain

Here are some practical tips to stop ant infestation after the rains.

Get Rid of the Standing Water: Eliminating standing water sources around the property may help safeguard your home from ants to some extent.

Seal Entrance: Inspecting the area around the home, you can easily find cracks and gaps. Later, you can seal these areas using caulks and other appropriate materials to remove ants.

Seal the Food: You must store food in an airtight container to avoid the chance of crumbs and spills. This way, the ants may not have any food to feed on, discouraging them from entering your home.

Keep Your Yard Clean: When you keep the yard trimmed, mowed, and remove debris, potential chances of nestling can be avoided .

If prevention measures fail, you can contact the professionals for ants removal in Camberwell.

Control Ant Infestation After Rain

Are you struggling due to an influx of ant infestation on your property after a period of rain? You must look for a team of experienced and expert pest controllers. Professionals can assess the condition of the ant infestation after a detailed inspection. Professionals identify the ant species and choose the best strategies for ants control in Melbourne. Proper treatment options can successfully eliminate all the issues that you may have with your property. With us, you do not have to worry at all.

Professionals from Pest Free Nests guarantee an ant-free home even during wet weather. A proactive approach can help you to achieve successful results. Call or contact us today.

Things To Consider For Ants Control In Melbourne

If you have never encountered ants in your home, you are lucky. However, most people have to deal with the ants. It is a type of pest that is really annoying. Whether you have pavement ants or house ants, you need to consider a service of ants control in Melbourne.

Methods of Ants Control

Call Professionals for Service

One of the things you must remember when you need an effective ants control in  Cranbourne, you must call an efficient team of professionals. Best techniques and products can help to eliminate the ant infestations. Experts are knowledgeable about different species of ants, their favoured environment and, their behaviours. Therefore, professionals can get rid of them quickly.

Seal The House

By sealing your home, you can get an efficient method to stop ant infestation. Professionals invest a lot of time to seal every cracks and crevices that can act as an entry point for the ants. Home sealing guarantees that the ant stays away from the property.

Remove Food Sources

For ants control in Brighton, you must remove all the potential open food sources. If there is any type of food crumbs or messes after you consume food, you must clean the area immediately. It is important to ensure that the food is in an airtight container.

Presence of Ants Always Make The Home Less Attractive

Professionals take every possible measures to help you. If you have any question regarding ant control, you can ask the professionals immediately.

Follow Good Practices for Landscaping

Sometimes, ants congregate outside the house. To decrease chances of ant infestation, you must give attention to your landscape. It is important to nurture a healthy environment outside the home. Trim the grass and vegetation, clean the dead leaves and eliminate presence of standing water in the garden.

Ensure Dry Cap

Location with heavy moisture is perfect for the growth of the ants. Therefore, you need to maintain dry tap for ants control in Melbourne. If there is moisture in any area, you must clean them for better maintenance of the home.

Utilise Natural Repellents

Lots of natural products are available for ant control. However, you may not know which product is more effective for your home. Talk to the professionals to get a perfect product for controlling the ants. Orange, eucalyptus, and peppermint oil repel the ant.

Take Advantage of The Physical Barrier

You can use natural repellents or a physical barrier to keep the ants away from your property. Sticking tape around the foundation and other ant-prone areas of your home, professionals can dissuade the ants from entering your dwelling.

Clean The Trenches

If there are any existing trenches, you must clean the area. Ensure there are no sticks, leaves, or debris on the ground for the ants to feed on. Therefore, you should keep the place free from any type of material.

Pest Free Nests ensure ant control in Brighton, Cranbourne and Melbourne, protecting you, your family and your home. Professionals take necessary steps to eliminate ants from the location. Call or contact our reputed and reliable pest control professionals today!

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